Sunday, January 18, 2009

The 153 Fishing Ministry

This blog is a site for Christian fishermen to share what they know about fishing and about living Christian lives. The title comes from John 21:11 after Jesus showed Himself as the very first fishing guide. Please help me contribute to this site and I will ask only two things of you. First, remember we are Christians here so there should be no foul language, personal attacks or anything else inappropriate. That goes for lying, as well, fellow anglers. Second, don't be stingy with your knowledge! As you will see, I am going to name places and tactics without regard to any other consequences. I believe that our current crop of young people are losing all interest in the outdoors and we must do all we can to bring them back to it in whatever way we can. With that said, I would like to begin with a prayer.

God, grant me strength to catch a fish, so large that, even I, when telling of it afterwards, may never need to lie! Amen

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